C.P.B.C. Honors Lenny Sparks

Sunday, November 18, 2018
Lenny Sparks

The C.P.B.C. was in Halifax last night to honor the great Lenny Sparks with the C.P.B.C. Honorary Lifetime Champion Award. It was a great night of events for Lenny with a full house of supporters attending the event. Presentations were made by the Mayor of Halifax, presentation from the house of commons
and parliament for Halifax West, and members of parliament. Director of the Nova Scotia Combat Sports Authority Mr. Hubert Earle also made a presentation to Lenny Sparks with the C.P.B.C. making their presentation to close the events presentations. C.P.B.C. Members on hand for this spectacular night were: Troy Talbot (Senior Adviser) Robert Downey (Ontario Representative) Linda Verge( Rankings Committee) and Don Collette (President of the C.P.B.C.) missing from the C.P.B.C. was Jean Martin Gauthier (Marketing/Sponsorship Director) for the C.P.B.C. bad weather from up north prevented J.M. from attending. Thank you to all the organizers and helpfull people who put this fabulous night together for Lenny Sparks and on behalf of the C.P.B.C. and all its members congrats Lenny Sparks on well deserved night.

Lenny Sparks Receives Honorary Lifetime Champion Award

Presenting the award was Mr. Hubert Earle, Tony Smith, Don Collette

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